The Pack’s Survivors!

My name is Denise and I am a survivor! In October 2019, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer with metastatic carcinoma in the lymphoid tissue. After chemo, surgery and 25 rounds of radiation I am now cancer free! I will be on hormone therapy for at least 5 years to help inhibit cancer growth.

The name Chia Pet was given to me when my hair started to grow back after chemo and I thought it would be fun to name my fundraising team The Chia Pet’s pack! My team includes survivors, good friends and family members! Together we want to help find a cure. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

By fundraising for the Run for the Cure, we are hoping a cure will be found to prevent women and men hearing the words “you have breast cancer”.

In Oct of 2021 at 46 years old I was diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer. It came as a shock to me because as a CHEK2 gene mutation carrier I was considered high risk for breast cancer and had been monitored closely. I had yearly mammograms, breast MRI’s and breast exams in the high risk clinic; none of which showed any signs of cancer. It wasn’t until I noticed a dimple in my breast and had it biopsied that my cancer was discovered.

It was then that I learned that Lobular breast cancer is the second most common form of breast cancer but only makes up for about 10% of breast cancer diagnosis. Turns out lobular breast cancer is not easy to detect through screening, which is something that is not known by many. I was treated with surgery, 16 rounds of radiation and will be on hormone therapy for 5 years. Thankfully I caught it early and have a promising prognosis. Early detection saves lives!

I Run for the Cure because I am a mom, wife, daughter, cancer fighter and SURVIVOR! Please help us find a cure.

My Name Is Maryann. I believe everyone is different with their breast cancer diagnosis! I was faithful in getting my mammogram done bi yearly and not so faithful at checking for lumps. In 2014 I had routine mammogram and was sent to DECH for repeat. All clear, I was scheduled for a recheck in 2015, but in June I noticed a change in the shape of my breast (if I lifted my left arm their was a pulling in my left breast). Again I was sent to DECH, the radiologist had a hard time finding anything but after four tries found my cancer.

So check them, squish them in a machine and look for changes!

After surgery, chemo and radiation i have been a survivor for almost 7 years! It becomes a new part of your “normal “ life. I had a Run for the cure team for few years but now belong to the Chia Pets to help raise money to find a cure for Breast cancer!!

Together we will beat this!! Your Attitude makes a difference between an adventure and an ordeal!!!